My next project already basecoated is to paint a regiment of:
Huguenot Regiment of Du Cambon
(Picture curtesy of League of Augsburg webshop: )
This one gets a bit more tricky.
So first of all I have to admit I love to basecoat my miniatures in either white or a light grey. I guess thats always a matter of taste, but personally, I guess I wrote that before, have problems seeing every detail when basecoating black... So after the basecoat is dry I started to get familiar with the miniature and put up a black wash with Games Workshop Nuiln Oil.
Why that you might ask ? Taking a look at the miniatures here on the picture and after the print out with a colour laser printer I recognised a dark shaded grey as the main colour with a lighter tone on the more present parts.
What you possibly dont see in this picture is (and I hope someone might correct me here) that the command stand is more bluegrey then the grey of the rest of the infantry... thats the main colour challenge for me.
The wash in the early stage here brings clear breaks to the upcoming grey scales of the uniform. I use this method as I do not want to have some sort of "dirty look" afterwards, but a clear and "tidy" uniform.
So three stands ... 18 Figures .. lets see what this week brings...
Nobody actually knows if the Huguenots wore grey, most, myself included did, so it doesn't really matter what shade of grey you use. I painted my Officer in red for instance.